Volume One 9. Public Access and Open Space [RPS, C, R, D] 9.M.6 Other legislation The Council currently prepares reserve management plans under the Reserves Act. These reserve plans are important as they provide the basis for activities able to be undertaken in the three open space zones and so there is a close relationship with these documents and the MEP. Other legislation also exists by which the Council can manage activities, including for example controlling freedom camping in public places through the Freedom Camping Act 2011, or the abatement and control of litter through the Litter Act 1979. The Council also takes part in the development of management plans or strategies for reserves prepared by the Department of Conservation, e.g. the Conservation Management Strategy. This Strategy provides an overview of conservation issues and gives direction for the management of public conservation land, waters and species for which the Department of Conservation has responsibility. Its purpose is to implement general policies and establish objectives for the integrated management of natural and historic resources, recreation, tourism and any other conservation purposes. [C, D] 9.M.7 Investigation The Council will carry out investigations to assess the need for enhancement of physical access to and along the coastal marine area, lakes and rivers. [C, D] 9.M.8 Information The Council’s website provides information on the location of parks and reserves, swimming and boating locations, cycling and walking opportunities and recreation centres. This information is updated regularly and when new reserve or recreational facilities or opportunities become available. Much of this information is also available in map form through visitor centres. The Walking Access Commission website also provides information on walking access routes and the Council provides guidelines for holding recreational and special events in Marlborough. The Council will make available information on the location and area of esplanade reserves, esplanade strips and access strips taken on subdivision and development or through negotiation, as required by Section 35 of the RMA. [C, D] 9.M.9 Liaison The Council will liaise with the Department of Conservation to identify areas along Marlborough’s coastline where the use of vehicles on the foreshore and seabed is not appropriate. The Council will liaise with the Department of Conservation to assess the need for additional or upgraded public facilities for areas identified in Policy 9.1.1 as having a high degree of importance for public access. Anticipated environmental results and monitoring effectiveness The following table identifies the anticipated environmental results of the public access and open space provisions of the MEP. The anticipated environmental results are ten year targets, unless otherwise specified. For each anticipated environmental result, a series of indicators will used to monitor the effectiveness of the public access and open space provisions. 9 – 17