16. Waste Volume One Anticipated environmental result Monitoring effectiveness 16.AER.3 There are no significant adverse effects The annual median values of the following soil on receiving environments as a result of parameters for soils within land application areas the discharge of liquid wastes to land. routinely monitored will fall within target ranges, as defined by Landcare Research (Landcare Research, 2003): (a) soil pH; (b) SAR ratio There is no major non-compliance with permitted activity rules or discharge permit conditions for dairy shed effluent and winery wastewater discharges in any year. The rate of minor non-compliance for dairy shed effluent and winery wastewater discharges will not exceed 15 percent in any milking season or vintage in any year. 16.AER.4 All non-reticulated households, holiday A warrant of fitness scheme is established and homes, visitor accommodation and rural operated for all on-site wastewater management industries are effectively serviced by on- systems. site wastewater management systems. A reduction in the number of complaints of failing on- site wastewater management systems. 16 – 16