Volume One 5. Allocation of Public Resources Take of surface Take of Use of water , Use of water – water groundwater except for the Brancott Brancott Freshwater Freshwater Management Management Unit, Unit, Benmorven Benmorven Freshwater Freshwater Management Management Unit Unit or Omaka or Omaka Aquifer Aquifer Freshwater Freshwater Management Unit. Management Unit the days in the fully meets 90% of those months irrigation demand in irrigation season, as irrigation demand in the period 1 July 90% of July-June calculated by using in 90% of July- 1972 to 30 June 2014, years in the period IrriCalc with climate June years in the as calculated by using 1 July 1972 to data for the period period IrriCalc; and 30 June 2014, as 1 July 1972 to 1 July 1972 to The maximum volume calculated by using 30 June 2014. 30 June 2014, as of irrigation water use IrriCalc. calculated by in a July-June year using IrriCalc. shall be the volume that fully meets irrigation demand in 90% of July-June years in the period 1 July 1972 to 30 June 2014, as calculated by using IrriCalc. This policy sets out how allocations will be expressed on water permits authorising the taking and use of water. A condition will be applied to water permits authorising the taking of surface water, the taking of groundwater and the use of water, setting out the specific allocation for each activity. The application of the policy will ensure consistency in the expression of conditions. Such consistency will assist to reduce the potential for conflict between water users. [R] Policy 5.3.10 – The instantaneous rate of take from a surface waterbody may exceed the instantaneous equivalent of the maximum daily allocation: (a) by 20% at any point in time; or (b) for 20% of the time; but in both cases the cumulative take over 24 hours (midnight to midnight) must not exceed the daily maximum. The infrastructure installed for irrigation from surface water resources is not necessarily set up to operate on a 24 hour basis. In some cases, the authorised allocation is applied over a shorter period (i.e. at an instantaneous rate in litres per second that exceeds the instantaneous equivalent of the maximum daily allocation). This policy provides consent holders with the flexibility to apply the allocated water effectively at this higher rate, provided that the volume of water used over the day does not exceed the daily maximum established through Policy 5.3.9. The higher instantaneous rate of take may occur either at any point over the day or for a proportion of the day. In either case, an exceedance of 20% is considered fair and reasonable in this regard. The limit of 20% also assists to manage interference effects between users and adverse effects on the natural and human use values supported by the river. The irrigation day is set from midnight to midnight. 5 – 15