Volume One 13. Use of the Coastal Environment [C] 13.M.20 Regional rules Regional rules apply to the use of ships operating in the National Transportation Route and in Queen Charlotte Sound, subject to controls on speed and ship-generated wave energy. Where any structure or activity is proposed to be located along the National Transportation Route, the effects of that use/activity on the safe and efficient operation of ships using the route will be considered. The rules do not restrict the use of surface water by ships or smaller boats elsewhere in the Marlborough Sounds or in Marlborough’s open coastal waters. Prohibited activity rules will prevent the rafting of logs through the Coastal Marine Zone as a means of moving them from one location to another. [C] 13.M.21 Other legislation As a harbour authority, the Council also has responsibilities for navigation and public safety within the harbour limits. The Council's Harbourmaster carries out these functions under Local Government Act bylaws, delegations under the Maritime Transport Act and associated maritime rules (or any successor to these). Bylaws also impose additional constraints on speed, e.g. the five knot harbour speed limit. [C] 13.M.22 Monitoring The Council intends to continue and enhance as necessary current monitoring of the effects of shipping activity. The type and extent of monitoring will be reviewed as the types of ships and level of shipping activity change over time. The monitoring framework may include: • near shore benthic and shoreline biological monitoring; • shoreline monitoring of beach profiles; • ongoing monitoring of land slip activity along the National Transportation Route; and • periodic assessment of the community's views of the effects of ship-generated wave activity in the Sounds. Ship-generated waves may also be measured and monitored from time to time. Monitoring the effects of the impacts of waves generated by individual ships may also be a requirement imposed as conditions of resource consent. In addition, the Council will support the initiatives of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi to monitor cultural and ecological effects from the wake of ship-generated waves, for example the effects on access to waahi tapu and other sites of significance, the passing of tikanga Māori to future generations and the effects on the gathering of kaimoana. The results of monitoring may be used to assist in the review of the overall framework for managing the effects of shipping activity or where there is a need to review the conditions of resource consents. [C] 13.M.23 Advisory group for considering effects of shipping activities An advisory group may be established by the Council to assist in determining an ongoing approach to managing the effects of shipping activities. Members will be appointed by the Council and will include representatives from community groups, the shipping industry, Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi and the Council. 13 – 45