Volume One 10. Heritage Resources and Notable Trees Iwi Management Plans developed by Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi may identify areas of spiritual or cultural significance. [RPS, C, D] 10.M.2 District rules District and regional rules will be used to ensure that identified heritage resources and/or notable trees are appropriately protected. The following activities will require resource consent: • Any relocation, alteration of or addition to a scheduled heritage resource; • Construction of a new building within the defined setting of a of a Category I heritage resource; • Any demolition of a Category II heritage resource; • Any removal or significant trimming of a scheduled notable tree; • Any excavation, laying of overhead or underground services or construction of buildings within close proximity to scheduled notable trees. A tree protection zone will be established to provide certainty with respect to the application of district rules seeking to protect notable trees from the adverse effects of activities undertaken in close proximity to them. The zone will take into account that the potential for adverse effects will vary depending on the size and dimensions of the tree. Permitted activity rules will be used to enable responsible maintenance of heritage resources and minor trimming of notable trees. Land disturbance in places of significance to Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi will be discretionary activities. This, in conjunction with affected party approval, will allow the adverse effects of the land disturbance on the spiritual and cultural values of the relevant iwi to be assessed. A prohibited activity rule will apply to the loss or destruction of Category I heritage resources. [RCP, D] 10.M.3 Support The Council will support, including financially, the protection and enhancement of heritage resources and notable trees included in the MEP in the following ways: • Waiving some or all resource consent and building consent application fees where the activity requiring consent will assist with the protection or enhancement of a heritage resource or notable tree; • Providing grants on an annual basis to facilitate the protection of heritage resources/notable trees and/or the community’s appreciation of the resources/trees; • Providing funding to assist with the ongoing maintenance of notable trees where required. [RPS, C, D] 10.M.4 Liaison The Council will liaise on an ongoing basis with the various agencies and groups involved in the protection of historic heritage in Marlborough to ensure that protection efforts are co-ordinated. Heritage New Zealand, the Department of Conservation, the Archaeological Association, Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi and other heritage organisations are the key agencies and groups in this regard. 10 – 9