3. Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi Volume One Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi seek to develop mechanisms for effectively managing these cross boundary issues. OBJECTIVES TO ADDRESS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ISSUES 3A TO 3J [RPS] Objective 3.1 – The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi are taken into account in the exercise of the functions and powers under the Resource Management Act 1991. Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi have developed an environmental management system over many centuries that is still practised today and is embodied within the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The RMA requires the Council to take into account the principles of Te Tiriti in exercising its functions and powers. The objective reflects this requirement (set out in Section 8 of the RMA) and the remaining objectives and policies of this chapter and throughout the rest of the MEP set out how the principles can be achieved. [RPS] Objective 3.2 – Natural and physical resources are managed in a manner that takes into account the spiritual and cultural values of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi and respects and accommodates tikanga Māori. It is important to iwi that in sustainably managing Marlborough’s natural and physical resources, when taking into account the spiritual and cultural values of iwi, that appropriate recognition is given to tikan ga Māori. This is important for iwi as observing tikanga is part of the ethic and exercise of kaitiakitanga. [RPS] Objective 3.3 – The cultural and traditional relationship of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi with their ancestral lands, water, air, coastal environment, waahi tapu and other sites and taonga are recognised and provided for. The objective reflects in part the requirements of the RMA in regard to matters of national importance – Section 6(e). It also acknowledges the special relationship that Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi share with the environment. [RPS] Objective 3.4 – Opportunities for development on Mā ori land that meet the needs of the landowners and respects the relationship of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi with land, water, significant sites and waahi tapu. Planning policies and rules within former resource management plans have potentially limited how Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi have been able to use their own land. The objective therefore aims to maintain and strengthen the traditional relationship of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi with land, water, significant sites and waahi tapu by enabling a range of activities to occur on Māori land, including papakāinga , marae cultural activities, customary use and other activities. This approach will support economic, social and cultural development for Marlborough’s tangata whe nua iwi. This objective also assists in giving effect to the principles of the Treaty of Wa itangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to Section 6(e) of the RMA. 3 – 14