Volume One 10. Heritage Resources and Notable Trees [RPS, D] Objective 10.2 – Retain and protect trees that make a notable contribution to Marlborough’s character. Trees which have significant heritage value or make a significant contribution to the character and amenity values of an area are to be retained, given the contribution they make to our social and cultural wellbeing. Retaining such notable trees ensures that current and future generations can continue to appreciate and benefit from these trees. This objective also reflects the Council’s obligations under Sections 6(f) and 7(c) of the RMA. [RPS, D] Policy 10.2.1 – Increase the community’s awareness of the contribution that trees make to historic heritage and/or amenity values by identifying trees that meet any of the following criteria for significance in the Marlborough Environment Plan: (a) any tree commemorating an important local event in Marlborough’s history, settlement and development; (b) any tree regarded as an important landmark and acknowledged as such for a significant period of time; (c) any tree that has historic association with a well-known public figure or has had strong public association for some reason; (d) any rare or important species; (e) any tree that accumulates a score greater than 150 points when using the Standard Tree Evaluation Method assessment system for amenity trees; and (f) a stand of trees conforming to any of the above. The criteria included in the policy will be used to identify notable trees that require protection. Criteria (a) to (c) apply to heritage trees. Criteria (e) refers to an assessment process used to evaluate the amenity significance of trees. This assessment process rates the scientific, botanic, landscape, cultural and functional value of the tree, along with its size, age, condition and setting. Trees that accumulate a score of greater than 150 are considered significant for amenity reasons. The use of the criteria in the policy allows an inventory of notable trees to be established. This inventory is to be included within the MEP as a schedule in Appendix 13 to increase the community’s awareness of amenity and historic heritage values in Marlborough. Other notable trees that meet the criteria of the policy can be added to the inventory over time through the First Schedule process of the RMA. [RPS, D] Policy 10.2.2 – When considering resource consent applications to remove, trim or prune a notable tree or trees, or undertake activities in close proximity to a notable tree, have regard to: (a) the reasons for the identification of the notable tree or trees; (b) the effects of any pruning on the notable tree or proposed works in vicinity of the notable tree or trees; (c) the extent to which replacement trees (or other vegetation) are to be planted and maintained and whether those trees (or other vegetation) will provide for amenity values in time; and (d) whether replacement of trees will enhance indigenous biodiversity. This policy describes matters that the Council should have regard to when assessing any resource consent application to remove, trim or prune a notable tree or trees, or undertake activities in close proximity to a notable tree. These matters are designed to ensure the heritage or amenity significance of the tree or trees is recognised and appropriately provided for in the 10 – 7