13. Use of the Coastal Environment Volume One respective zones occurs in a way that protects the values and uses of the sensitive coastal environment within which these facilities function. [R, C, D] Policy 13.18.1 – Ensure the intensity, character and scale of development and operation of Port, Port Landing Area and Marina Zones is appropriate in relation to the values of the coastal environment in these locations. Functionally, ports and marinas must be located in the coastal marine area and therefore constitute an appropriate activity in the context of Policy 6(2)(c) of the NZCPS. In Marlborough, the places identified as being appropriate for these activities are zoned in the MEP. However, the coastal environment in which these zones are located is sensitive to change, even where there has been modification of that environment. This policy therefore seeks to ensure that the intensity, character and scale of development and operation of each of the Port, Port Landing and Marina Zones recognises the particular values of the coastal environment at each of the identified areas. For example, the relatively unmodified coastal environment at Elaine Bay and Oyster Bay means that the range of activities provided for is more limited than those permitted at the ports of Picton and Havelock. However, it is still important to ensure that the development and ongoing operation in Havelock and Picton ports is sensitive to the values of the coastal environment and most importantly to the connection and relationship these areas have with their respective towns. [R, C, D] Policy 13.18.2 – Ensure that activities occurring within Port, Port Landing Area and Marina Zones do not adversely affect water, air or soil quality within or beyond the zone boundary, by: (a) the setting of standards for permitted activities; (b) prohibiting the discharge of effluent from boats berthed within ports, port landing areas or marinas; (c) requiring the provision of facilities for: (i) the collection and disposal of rubbish, sewage effluent and other wastes from boats; (ii) boat maintenance activities (including sanding and blasting effects); and (iii) the avoidance of contamination of water by the application and removal of antifouling paints. This policy seeks to ensure that port and marina operations do not have an adverse effect on water, air or soil resources within and beyond zone boundaries. In some cases, adverse effects will be mitigated through the setting of standards for permitted activities for discharges. In other cases, consent will be required to allow a discharge to occur and this will need to be considered with regard to the resource quality policies contained in Chapter 15 - Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil). [C, D] Policy 13.18.3 – Ensure the potential for reverse sensitivity effects arising from any noise- sensitive activities located in zones adjoining Port, Port Landing Area and Marina Zones is minimised by: (a) avoiding encroachment of residential activities towards and around ports/port landing areas; and (b) avoiding residential activities within marinas. One of the most significant amenity effects arising from the operation of ports, port landing areas and marinas is the generation of noise. Ports, especially in Picton and Havelock and marinas in Picton, Waikawa and Havelock operate in close proximity to residential areas and subsequently there is potential for noise to be an issue for nearby residents. To enable the ports, port landing 13 – 52