14. Use of the Rural Environment Volume One [RPS, D] Objective 14.5 – Residential activity takes place within appropriate locations and limits within rural environments. Given the range of effects that can arise through residential uses in rural environments, it is important that any such use occurs within appropriate locations and limits. This will help to ensure that rural environments continue to be maintained for primary productive activities. In addition, this objective will help to ensure the character of rural environments is maintained. [D] Policy 14.5.1 – Identify areas within rural environments where residential activity is appropriate. A number of locations within rural environments have been determined as appropriate for residential activity. These include areas zoned as Rural Living, the Coastal Living Zone (which recognises the need and demand that exists for residential activity in Marlborough’s coastal environment), the Urban Residential 2 Zone at Marlborough Ridge and along the western periphery of Blenheim, where there is a transition from urban to rural space. These areas have been recognised historically as providing rural lifestyle on a range of allotment sizes in a range of locations. [D] Policy 14.5.2 – Residential activity and subdivision for residential purposes within rural environments should take place within land zoned Rural Living, Coastal Living, Urban Residential 2 at Marlborough Ridge and Urban Residential 3, to: (a) protect primary production options; (b) protect rural character and amenity values; (c) avoid sprawling or sporadic patterns of residential development; (d) avoid any further over-allocation of water resources; (e) avoid adverse effects on water quality and soil quality; (f) reduce the potential for the spread of pest organisms; (g) reduce impacts on the land transport network; (h) protect landscape, natural character and indigenous biodiversity values; and (i) provide a transition from urban to rural environments. It is important to impose limitations on where residential activity can take place within Marlborough’s rural environment to protect a range of values. These values are identified in the policy, as are the areas considered to be appropriate for residential uses. Regard must be had to the other policies of this chapter and the remainder of the MEP to determine situations where it may be appropriate for residential activity and subdivision to take place outside of these areas. [D] Policy 14.5.3 – Except in the case of land developed for papakāin ga, residential activity on land zoned Rural Environment will be provided for by enabling one dwelling per Computer Register. For rural property outside the zones specified in Policy 14.5.2, it is appropriate that the MEP provides for residential activity. In some cases ongoing primary production activities will occur and it is therefore appropriate that provisions are made for residential activity associated with this primary production activity (where this occurs on the same land). Smaller allotments may exist where primary production activities do not occur but where historically there has been a right (subject to standards) for a landowner to erect a dwelling. The MEP continues with this approach, as it provides a resource to be developed for residential activity without the need for further subdivision or rezoning of land. The exception recognises the need for Marlborough’s tangata 14 – 16