5. Allocation of Public Resources Volume One [R] 5.M.1 Regional rules Set environmental flows and/or levels for permanently flowing rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers to maintain the uses and values supported by the waterbody. Set allocation limits for each FMU to establish the total amount of water able to be sustainably abstracted from the water resource. Apply regional rules to regulate the taking, use, damming or diversion of water in accordance with the policies in this chapter. This includes the use of permitted activity rules to enable the taking, use, damming or diversion of water where the activity will not give rise to adverse effects on natural and human use values supported by the waterbody. A permitted activity rule will enable the construction of bores. Prohibit the taking, use, damming or diversion of water where those activities would adversely affect the significant values of outstanding water bodies. Prohibit the taking of water beyond environmental flows/levels and allocation limits set by rules. Require all resource consents granted for water takes to be measured by pulse emitting meter and recorded by data logger, and require the recorded take and use information to be transferred to the Council by telemetry. Review water permit conditions to impose or alter environmental flows and levels (or other relevant limits) established by rules in the MEP. [R] 5.M.2 Water user groups Encourage the establishment of water user groups to assist the Council to manage water resources. In particular, seek to work with water user groups in the Awatere and Waihopai FMUs to achieve voluntarily rationing of water takes in response to falling flows in order to achieve the flow objectives for each river. [R] 5.M.3 Ballot If water in a fully allocated FMU becomes available for allocation again, the Council will hold a ballot to determine who can make an application to take and use the water. If a water user group exists for the FMU, then the Council will seek to work with it to run the ballot. [R] 5.M.4 Information Provide water users and the community with river flow and aquifer level information so that they can make informed decisions with respect to the rationing or cessation of their water take in order to comply with the rules in the MEP. Provide water users with information on their recorded water use relative to their water permit allocation. [R] 5.M.5 E-Planning Deliver Council resource consent, compliance and environmental information functions through digital means via the Council website. Provision of timely information and functions will assist water users to improve their use practices and encourage more efficient use of water. 5 – 30