12. Urban Environments Volume One and that the proposed arrangements for connection are suitable to the provider of the infrastructure. This will be achieved by requiring the provider of the infrastructure to confirm the capability and suitability as part of the process of applying for subdivision consent. [D] Policy 12.9.5 – Where in relation to Policy 12.9.4 confirmation of connections is not provided by the subdivider/developer, a Discretionary Activity resource consent will be required. If the infrastructure provider is not prepared to confirm the adequate and appropriate provision of a particular service, the resulting subdivision will be assessed as a discretionary activity. This policy provides an opportunity for alternative methods of provision to be considered through the resource consent process. The provisions of this chapter and the objectives of other chapters will be used to determine whether the proposed subdivision will adequately and appropriately serviced, while having regard to any adverse effects on natural and physical resources. [D] Policy 12.9.6 – Before residential subdivision and development of the following land proceeds, reticulated services owned by or to be vested in the Council shall be available for connection and utilised and/or financial provision made for them: (a) the five areas zoned as Urban Residential 2 Greenfields Zone to the north and west of Blenheim; or (b) the land zoned Urban Residential 2 and 3 identified in Appendix 23. Those areas able to be serviced by a sequential and orderly extension of existing infrastructure services are to be given priority by the Council. The Urban Residential 2 Greenfields Zone provides for Blenheim’s residential growth on the periphery of the current urban environment. Although capable of being serviced, water, sewerage and stormwater infrastructure necessary for servicing the land did not exist at the date of notification of the MEP. Any residential subdivision and development of the land prior to the provision of the infrastructure would lead to unsustainable outcomes. For this reason, the policy requires reticulated services owned by, or to be vested in, the Council to be available for connection and utilised and/or financial provision made for them prior to development of the land proceeding. The land identified in Appendix 23 is zoned Urban Residential 2 or 3. In many cases, the zoning reflects the pattern of land subdivision and development that occurred while the land was zoned Rural 3 under the previous Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan. For this reason, many existing properties will not be able to be further subdivided in accordance with the controlled activity subdivision rules. However, some properties have the potential for further subdivision. As for the Urban Residential 2 Greenfields Zone, the subdivision and development of the land prior to the provision of the infrastructure would lead to unsustainable outcomes. Of particular concern for this land is the management and disposal of stormwater given the high level of groundwater and the low gradient of the land. The subdivision and development of the land without appropriate stormwater management and disposal would likely result in the flooding of the properties. Given the large area of land identified in (a) and (b) available for subdivision and development, spatially disparate subdivision will not provide for the efficient or effective servicing of the land. For this reason, the policy also prioritises the servicing of land that provides for a progressive development of the infrastructure. 12 – 26