Volume One 17. Transportation Anticipated environmental results and monitoring effectiveness The following table identifies the anticipated environmental results of provisions of the Marlborough MEP for air and land transport. The anticipated environmental results are ten year targets, unless otherwise specified and will be used as part of state of the environment monitoring to measure whether objectives are being achieved. Anticipated environmental result Monitoring effectiveness 17.AER.1 The effective and efficient operation of Airport operators do not complain about land use Marlborough’s airports. activities limiting or constraining airport operations. Monitor the number of aircraft movements at Blenheim Airport, Omaka Airfield and Picton Airport. Monitor complaints from land owners adjacent to airports and from the public about the operations of airports. Development of a noise management plan in association with the Marlborough Aero Club. 17.AER.2 The land transport network operates Monitor reported crashes involving vehicles, cyclists or safely and efficiently. pedestrians. Monitor the number and nature of complaints received in relation to the safety and convenience of motor vehicle routes, pedestrian routes and on- or off-street parking areas. Monitor implementation of the Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan through the annual report of the Marlborough Regional Land Transport Committee. 17.AER.3 There are no more than minor adverse Monitor the complaints received from landowners effects of the road network operation on about impacts on amenity values (noise, dust, the environment and community amenity vibration) from adjacent roads. values. 17.AER.4 Activities are able to safely and efficiently Review the road hierarchy five yearly to ensure long access the road network. term future needs for access are regularly addressed. 17 – 17