Volume One 15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) (e) surrounding land uses; (f) national standards, guidelines, or both; and (g) the potential for adverse environmental and public health effects, including the potential for off-site or downstream effects. In the worst case scenario, where the nature of the soil contaminants represents a significant hazard, where there are pathways for the contaminants to enter into the surrounding environment and where there are sensitive receptors in that environment, remediation of the site may be required. [R] Policy 15.5.5 – Establish a response capability to deal with spills of hazardous substances. In the event that hazardous substances are accidentally or deliberately released into the environment, it is important that there is the capability to contain the extent of the spill and subsequently clean-up the site. Several agencies are potentially involved in any spill event, including the Council, Fire Service, Police and (in the coastal marine area) Maritime Safety. An ad hoc response from each agency creates the potential for ineffective containment and for soil contamination to occur over a wider area than if the spill was effectively contained. It is important therefore that the actions of each agency in responding to a spill are co-ordinated. This is especially the case considering the risks posed by the volume of goods transported to and through Marlborough on State Highway 1. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [RPS, R] 15.M.46 Listed Land Use Register The Council maintains a register of all known contaminated sites and other sites that may be contaminated due to historic land use management practices. All sites on the Register have been classified as unverified HAIL, verified HAIL, acceptable, contaminated or remediated/managed. Additions will be made to the Register over time as further information is received as a result of Council and private investigations. The Register assists with the implementation of the NESCS, especially in terms of establishing whether land subject to land use change is a “piece of land” to which the NESCS applies (in terms of Clause 5(7) of the NESCS). However, the Register is not definitive in this regard and a preliminary site investigation may still be required to establish the potential for historic contamination of site soils (and whether the NESCS applies). [RPS, R] 15.M.47 Information Property specific information held on the Register will be available to the public through the issue of LIMs, the creation of new titles (i.e. through consent notice), inclusion of the Register on the Council website or general enquiry. The Council will make available the HAIL List on the Council website to assist resource users in establishing the potential for historic contamination of site soils. Other Ministry for the Environment publications relevant to the implementation of the NESCS will also be available via the Council website. 15 – 45