Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement notes that provision shall be made for the maintenance of public access to and along the coastal marine area. However, access can be restricted to protect any significant conservation values, protect peoples health and safety, protect security and to protect Maori conservation values. 9.9 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 That public access to and along the coastal marine area be maintained and enhanced. Policy 1.1 Adverse effects on public access caused by the erection of structures, marine farms, works or activities, in or along the coastal marine area should as far as practicable be avoided. Where complete avoidance is not practicable, the adverse effects should be mitigated and provision made for remedying those effects, to the extent practicable. Policy 1.2 Public access to the coastal marine area will be enhanced wherever possible. Policy 1.3 Assess the need for, at the time of subdivision and reclamation, esplanade reserves in accordance with the criteria set out in Volume Two (subdivision requirements) and statutory requirements under the Act. Policy 1.4 Purchase foreshore reserves as and when funding permits. Policy 1.5 Acknowledge that public access to and along the coastal marine area may be restricted to: Provide for the operational requirements of any lawful structure or activity; Protect areas of significant indigenous vegetation and/ or significant habitats of indigenous fauna; Protect Maori cultural values; Protect public health and safety; Ensure a level of security consistent with the purpose of a resource consent; or In other exceptional circumstances sufficient to justify the restriction notwithstanding the national importance of maintaining that access. Public access to and along the foreshore is an important resource in the East Marlborough Coast. New structures should be able to demonstrate that public access and recreation opportunities have been maintained and enhanced wherever practicable. The maintenance and creation of public access to the coast and within the Wairau Lagoons Area is a high priority subject to the preservation of ecological and conservation values. 9 - 10