Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan suitability, and the adverse effects of their prominence all need to be taken into consideration. Adverse visual effects tend to be the most obvious and persistent while land disturbance and adverse water quality effects are generally related to construction and maintenance and tend to be short-term. Other adverse effects can include noise, electro-magnetic radiation and interference between similar electrical and telecommunication equipment. 20.3 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To provide for the operation, maintenance and development of utility networks in a way that promotes sustainable management of natural and physical resources and avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on the environment. Policy 1.1 Enable Utility Operators to maintain and develop reticulated utility networks throughout the Plan area provided adverse environmental effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated. Policy 1.2 Enable individuals to contribute to or provide their own utility needs in appropriate areas. Policy 1.3 Ensure Plan provision for sustainable management of utilities and planning certainty for Utility Operators. Policy 1.4 Enable buildings, structures and equipment necessary or ancillary to utility networks to be established throughout the Plan area. Policy 1.5 To ensure that when development occurs the full costs of remedying or mitigating adverse effects on the environment are met. Policy 1.6 Assess proposals for new utilities by acknowledging the necessary roles, and the locational and operational constraints they experience. Policy 1.7 Require construction and maintenance practices which avoid, remedy and mitigate land disturbance associated with utility management. Policy 1.8 Ensure that utility network construction, maintenance and operation avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on water quality. Policy 1.9 Enable the provision of individual water supplies and electricity generation where appropriate to supplement services to rural households. Policy 1.10 Locate utility network structures to avoid, remedy or mitigate significant adverse effects on visual amenity. Policy 1.11 Encourage utility networks to be placed underground in urban areas and, where practicable, in areas of identified landscape significance. Policy 1.12 Promote the establishment of utilities in locations in such a way as to not adversely affect any known natural hazard. 20 - 2