Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 5 March 2015 Policy 1.3 Ensure that buildings, vegetation and activities do not reduce clear sight lines for trains and road vehicles at level rail crossings, or for vehicles at road intersections. Policy 1.4 Avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects from activities for any road or rail users, including glare, inappropriate direct lighting, smoke, discharges and shading onto the road, or distractions. Policy 1.5 Ensure minimum distraction to road users by controlling the location, design, and extent of road side advertising signs, requiring that signs are located within the site to which the sign relates, and avoiding a proliferation of road-side advertising signs. Policy 1.6 Ensure that activities that generate demand for parked vehicles and which involve loading of vehicles provide space within their site to accommodate manoeuvring, loading and parking of vehicles without creating congestion or conflicts with moving vehicles or with pedestrians on adjacent roads. Policy 1.7 Require vehicle crossing places and vehicle entrances from public roads to be constructed and maintained to standards appropriate to the circumstances of traffic volume, pedestrian movement, and local traffic speed. Policy 1.8 Require new urban subdivisions and developments to incorporate facilities to increase the safety and efficiency of non-motorised transport users and particularly require: • Footpaths or access ways intended to be used by both cyclists and pedestrians, and encourage their separation for safety reasons; • Provision for cycle traffic within road carriageways in such a way that lane width, design, and surface finish are adequate to safely accommodate both motorised vehicles and cycles; • Pedestrian access routes connecting residential areas, schools, shopping centres, recreation reserves, and public transport collection points and terminals where appropriate; • Pedestrian footpaths in urban areas: - Adjacent to but separated from vehicle carriageways and private property (except for low-speed residential lanes) by appropriate safety structures including fences, where appropriate; - Constructed with permanent hard surfaces, such as asphalt or concrete; - Constructed to minimise any surface water flow that would be an impediment or hazard to pedestrians; - With pram and wheelchair crossings located at convenient positions in relation to intersections; - With longitudinal profile and surface finish not unduly disrupted by vehicle crossings; - With gradients not exceeding 1 in 6 except in extraordinary circumstances where steps should be provided. 19 - 8