Chapter 6 - Fresh Water water users do not have access to groundwater resources as an alternative supply to surface water. Given the fact that periods of low flow generally coincide with maximum periods of use for irrigation, there is considerable potential for the taking, use, damming or diversion of water to create adverse environmental effects on the fresh water ecosystem, in addition to the potential to create increased conflict between users. The discharge of contaminants to surface water during periods of low flow or levels can have considerable adverse effects on the environment and on other users by degrading water quality so that existing uses cannot be met, as there is less water available to dilute the contaminant. It is therefore important that the Council develops a water allocation system which specifically outlines the process to be followed to achieve the equitable management of competing demands and sustainable management of freshwater resources during periods of low flow. This system will need to incorporate the cessation of point source discharges at specified levels to protect the life supporting capacity of the resource and enable other consumptive and non-consumptive uses to be met. Cessation of discharges will be set at levels to enable the water classification standards to be met, in all but exceptional circumstances. 6.5.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To achieve sustainable, equitable and efficient allocation of water during periods of low surface water flows or low groundwater levels. Policy 1.1 To set flows and levels for the following freshwater resources which indicate when imminent rationing of water taking is necessary, when point source discharges must cease, and when rationing and suspension of take is required to stay above the SFR. Resource systems for which rationing levels will be defined include: • Awatere River ; • Omaka River Valley Catchment; • Waihopai River; and • Fairhall River Gravels Aquifer. Policy 1.2 To include conditions on new water permits requiring users to reduce and suspend takes when specified flows or levels are reached. Policy 1.3 To include conditions on new discharge permits requiring users to cease point source discharges when specified flows are reached. Policy 1.4 To review existing water permit conditions within 24 months of this Plan becoming operative, at which time conditions will be imposed requiring the rationing of water where unrestricted use could otherwise result in a breach of an SFR. Policy 1.5 To review existing discharge permit conditions within 24 months of this plan becoming operative, to impose conditions requiring cessation of discharge at specified levels. Policy 1.6 To establish Water User Groups for the following fresh water resources to encourage water users to reach voluntary agreements 6 - 11