Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 30 September 2010 Objective 2 Infill and redevelopment of sites and existing buildings in the Central Business Zone. Policy 2.1 Encourage the infill and redevelopment of sites and existing buildings to create new retail and commercial sites within the Primary Shopping Area and Central Business Zones. Policy 2.2 Ensure that any infill and redevelopment is compatible with the form and function of the Central Business Zone. Some redevelopment has taken place in recent years but, while there are few vacant premises, the core area would benefit from continued investment in redevelopment initiatives. Redevelopment will also provide opportunities to alter unit sizes to suit the variable needs of retail operators. Upper storeys can be used for other activities, such as office, service or residential, to create a vertical land use mix. Use of existing sites, through a policy of infill, will facilitate new development which should be encouraged so long as it is compatible with the Central Business Zone form and function. Objective 3 A vibrant town centre. Policy 3.1 Ensure that the Blenheim town centre is not adversely affected by commercial activity occurring outside of the Central Business Zone. Policy 3.2 Encourage a mix of retail, commercial, cultural and social activities to the town centre. Methods of Implementation Zoning The Primary Shopping Area and Central Business Zone are identified on the planning maps, incorporating all central areas where a resource has been established to support retailing and other commercial and community facility activity. Neighbourhood shopping zones are also identified on the planning maps. Rules Plan rules enable the continuity and establishment of commercial activity, visitor accommodation, entertainment facilities and community facilities subject to performance standards. Other activities graded by effects implications will be considered as Discretionary, Non-complying or Prohibited Activities. Plan rules control advertising signs with conditions to manage any potentially adverse landscape, amenity or traffic distraction effects. Performance Performance conditions address matters such as building height, conditions vehicle access and loading, car parking, noise, hazardous facilities and the provision of verandas for pedestrian shelter. Financial For new developments setting up within the Central Business Zone Contributions not able to meet the car parking requirements, the Council may require a financial contribution in terms of Section 108 of the Act for the purpose of establishing public car parks. Transport Implementation of Marlborough’s Regional Land Transport Strategy in conjunction with the land transport requirements of this Plan 11 - 20