Chapter 8 - Public Access Policy 1.3 Continue to assess the need to enhance public access to and along the coastal marine area, lakes and rivers. Policy 1.4 Acquire esplanade reserves, and negotiate esplanade strips, at the time of subdivision or development, in accordance with the criteria set out in Volume Two (Subdivision Requirements). Policy 1.5 Purchase esplanade reserves and negotiate esplanade strips as and when funding permits. Policy 1.6 To facilitate public access on Council owned or managed floodway land. Policy 1.7 Acknowledge that public access to and along the coastal marine area, lakes, wetlands and rivers may be restricted: • To protect areas of significant indigenous vegetation and/ or significant habitats of indigenous fauna; • To foot access; • To protect Maori cultural values; • At times of fire risk; • To protect public health and safety; • To ensure a level of security consistent with the purpose of a resource consent or designation; or • In other exceptional circumstances sufficient to justify the restriction notwithstanding the national importance of maintaining that access. Policy 1.8 Esplanade reserves or esplanade strips should be set aside or created where loss of public access to the Coastal Marine Area will occur as a result of a reclamation or other development proposals. Policy 1.9 Recognise the benefits of the use of unformed public roads as a means to enhance access to and along water bodies. The objective and policies seek to optimise public access, as well as ensuring that any adverse effects of encouraging public access are avoided, remedied or mitigated. Objective 2 That public access to and within publicly owned land, be maintained and enhanced. Policy 2.1 Avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects on public access caused by activities within or near to public land. Policy 2.2 To facilitate public access and recreational use of Council owned land. Policy 2.3 Ensure that public access and recreational use do not compromise any important conservation values. 8 - 3