Chapter 14 - Land Disturbance Policy 1.3 Avoid, remedy or mitigate contaminated run-off arising from land disturbance activities entering the marine ecosystem or wetlands, lakes and rivers. Policy 1.4 Avoid, remedy or mitigate significant reduction of soil fertility resulting from land disturbance or vegetation removal. Policy 1.5 Require that known land stability hazards be recognised and provided for before beginning any land disturbance activity. Policy 1.6 Encourage resource users to check the NZ Historic Places Trust Register for cultural, historical and archaeological sites on the land that they are proposing to disturb. The Council will make information from the register available to resource users. Policy 1.7 To manage the Wither Hills so as to avoid, remedy or mitigate soil erosion in that area. Policy 1.8 To liaise with the Department of Conservation in managing erosion prone Crown land for conservation reasons. Policy 1.9 Require resource users to stop work and report to the Council if historical, cultural or archaeological artefacts or waahi tapu are disturbed, damaged or unearthed during land disturbance or land excavation. Policy 1.10 Ensure consultation with relevant iwi before carrying out land disturbance requiring a resource consent. The Council has a responsibility under Section 30 of the Act to control the use of land for the purpose of soil conservation. Unsound land management practices may lead to an unsuitable land use regime. All the above policies combine to achieve the objective. In the past uncontrolled land disturbance has given rise to significant adverse effects in the Plan area. Control over the effects are necessary to achieve a sustainable land management regime. The policies will apply to all resource use which involves land disturbance to the land surface. Resource users, in this case, persons wishing to undertake a land disturbance activity, will be required to address the above policies prior to commencing land disturbance work and particularly upon application for a resource consent for this activity. 14.4 Methods of Implementation Rules Minor land disturbance will be permitted subject to compliance with specified performance criteria which seek to reduce sedimentation, maintain soil quality, reduce the risk of damage from natural hazards, and protect ecological, cultural and economic values. Consents will be required for land disturbance activities which fall outside that which is permitted. Conditions will be imposed to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of land disturbance on the potential and life supporting capacity of the soil and water resources of the Wairau/ Awatere area. 14 - 3