Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan E - (Enhance) means that the existing water quality is believed to be lower than the classification and that therefore the present water quality needs to be enhanced. Class - The purpose of this column is to indicate the relative value of the location within the Marlborough District. Notes 1 “Threatened fish” refers to species listed in the Department of Conservation publication “Setting priorities for the Conservation of New Zealand’s Threatened Plants and Animals”. 2 “Regionally significant” refers to fish species that may be common elsewhere, but are not well represented in the Wairau/ Awatere area. 3 Monitoring will be carried out to establish whether a higher standard is required to meet the shellfish gathering classification in the Coastal Marine Area. # Location Class Important Values Concerns Water Desired Quality Out- Classifi- come cation Wairau Catchment 1 Source down- High River corridor for birds and Out of stream use during F, FS, AE M stream to Wash fish. low flows. Bridge Trout spawning habitat. Reduction in water Recreational area - quality from adjacent boating , rafting, canoeing, landuse. swimming, hunting, Flow modification. picnicking and passive. Fishing - trout, salmon and eel - headwater trout fisheries down to Rainbow River confluence. Fish passage and habitat. Bird habitat and passage - species include: black fronted tern, banded dotterel, pied stilts and oyster catchers. Braided river habitat with undisturbed shingle islands. Native biodiversity - galaxidae and fernbirds. App A - 2