Chapter 6 - Fresh Water Objective 1 To recognise that Gibsons Creek channels are old distributory channels of the Waihopai and to provide for: • The aesthetic and ecological values of Gibsons Creek; • The existing legal water right users and; supply water for groundwater recharge where it is most effective. Policy 1.1 Continue to operate the Gibsons Creek abstraction from the Waihopai River within practical limitations. Policy 1.2 To set an SFR for the Gibsons Creek channels to provide for the ecological and aesthetic values of Gibsons Creek channels upstream of Blenheim Street. Policy 1.3 To provide adequate water for Class A water permit users (under the new triple class water permit system) as existing legal water right users. Policy 1.4 To recharge the groundwater aquifer in the “Woodbourne” reach downstream of Blenheim Street, and from the Omaka confluence down to Jacksons Road. Policy 1.5 To maximise the groundwater recharge in the “Woodbourne” reach by supplementing flows with Class C water permit abstraction to the extent limited by the current practical size of the Gibsons Creek system. The policies will aid understanding of the particular circumstances relating to Gibsons Creek, the practical limitations on abstraction and the potential for groundwater recharge, while protecting aesthetic and ecological values. 6.7 Methods of Implementation Rules Rules are used to ensure that the taking, use, damming and diversion of water does not adversely affect the life supporting capacity of the resource while still providing for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of the community. Rules incorporate the setting of SFR and the application of water classifications to all fresh water resources. All activities are required to comply with the SFRs and water classifications. Rules are also used to achieve the equitable and efficient management of freshwater resources, particularly during periods of low flow or levels. Education Inform water users of techniques and equipment which are most effective at conserving water. This campaign will apply to domestic and commercial water users. Run programmes to educate the community about fresh water resources in the District, and the associated values and uses of those resources, and the importance of complying with water classification standards and SFRs to protect those values. Require self-monitoring of abstraction and discharges to educate users about the effects of their activities on the water resource. 6 - 13