5 March 2015 Chapter 23 - Subdivision and Development 23.7 Methods of Implementation Rules Rules will be used to establish minimum allotment areas and dimensions and minimum site areas and dimensions. Subdivision will be used as a land management method. Rules will provide for the preservation of natural character, vegetation and landscape values. Rules will set performance standards to be met in respect of the provision of services, roading and amenities. Rules will reflect the availability, receiving/ supply capacity and affordability of urban servicing infrastructure and will take account of the finite capability of the existing facilities. Plan Provisions Planning maps will indicate zoning patterns. Plan rules outline standards for esplanade strips and access strips; and for the preservation of vegetation, landscape and land set aside for conservation purposes. Financial The Council will require financial and development contributions to Contributions avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse off-site and downstream and Development effects of subdivision/ development in accordance with the Plan Contributions rules. Code of Practice The Council has developed a Code of Practice for subdivision and land development. This Code of Practice sets out specific methods by which the subdivision requirements of this Plan can be met. Subdivision Provision will be made for subdivision and development to be Standards designed in accordance with recognised Subdivisions Standards (such as NZS4404:2010) where meeting such standards meets or exceeds the anticipated environmental results. Reserves The Council, as part of its integrated management practice has Strategy prepared a Reserves Strategy. The contribution levels have been designed to integrate with this strategy. Annual Plan The Council’s Annual Plan and Long Term Plan sets out priorities for and Long funding of specific land purchases and also provides the current Term Plan financial information to enable the services contribution formula to be applied. Education The Council will provide guidelines, information and advice relating to subdivision and design. Identification of The natural and human use values supported by surface water bodies the values of within the Plan area are identified in Appendix A of Volume One of water bodies the Plan. These values include ecological, habitat, recreational and natural character values. Regard can be had to these values when considering resource consent applications required as a result of rules in this Plan. As more is learnt about the values supported by water bodies in South Marlborough, it is possible to add to Appendix A by way of plan change. 23 - 17