Chapter 1 - Introduction • The land backdrop. The coastal environment includes at least the coastal marine area, the water, plants animals, and the atmosphere above it; and all tidal waters and foreshore (whether above or below mean high water springs), dunes, beaches, areas of coastal vegetation and coastal associated animals, areas subject to coastal erosion or flooding, salt marshes, sea cliffs and coastal wetlands including estuaries. It may also include up to the dominant ridge behind the coast, where there are hills behind the coast. The elements which comprise the coastal environment are inextricably linked, regardless of where they lie in relation to mean high water springs (MHWS), and should be treated as an entity. Important values and issues include natural character, significant areas of flora and fauna, natural features and landscapes, cultural values, public access and natural coastal hazards. It would be difficult to effectively manage those qualities, which exist within the coastal marine area, in isolation from those existing on the land. 1.8 Regional Coastal Plan Section 28 of the Act requires the Minister of Conservation to approve a Regional Coastal Plan. In this Plan the Regional Coastal Plan is comprised of provisions contained within the following parts of the plan which relate to the coastal marine area: • Volume One Chapter 9.0, Coastal Marine Chapter 10.0, Natural Character Chapter 12.8, Lake Grassmere Salt Works Area to the extent that the provisions apply to the coastal marine area Chapter 17.4, Coastal Hazards • Volume Two Coastal Marine Zone Port Zone Lake Grassmere Salt Works Zone to the extent that the rules apply to activities occurring in the coastal marine area. Appendix D - Areas of Significant Conservation Value • Volume Three Planning Maps That part of Chapter 17 which relates to the management of coastal hazard and the rules for the Coastal Marine Zone and Port Zone contained in Volume Two set out the circumstances in which activities that have a significant or irreversible effect on the coastal marine area will be made restricted coastal activities: Applications for restricted coastal activities are made to the Council, but the Minister of Conservation makes the final decision, after receiving a recommendation from a Hearings Committee arranged by the Council. The Minister has discretion to grant or refuse consent. Conditions of any type authorised by the Act (including financial contributions) may be imposed if consent is granted. 1 5