Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan • Increased usage of the outdoors involving interaction with the 'natural environment' and often adventure orientated such as skydiving, mountain biking, rafting, kayaking and passive activities such as hiking and walking; • A trend for working parents to use recreational activities close to home, reflecting their lack of available time. 13.2 Issue The accessibility and distribution of a variety of land and facilities for open space and recreation. The accessibility and therefore distribution of open space and recreational facilities around the District is important. With respect to local parks, distribution is especially important as these areas are used particularly by the less mobile sectors of the community: young children and the elderly. Sports areas also need to be accessible, even though it is recognised that part of the organised sport experience involves travelling to different areas of the District to compete. 13.2.1 Objective and Policies Objective 1 Open spaces and recreational facilities that are equitably distributed and conveniently located throughout the District. Policy 1.1 To identify those areas of the District where there are, or likely to be, deficiencies in the provision of open space and recreational facilities and provide or facilitate accordingly. Policy 1.2 To provide for new open spaces and recreational facilities to establish in locations that are convenient and accessible to users. Policy 1.3 To require contributions towards the provision of public open space and recreation areas from subdivision and/ or development for: • Residential purposes to provide additional local and district parks; and, • Business purposes to provide additional open space to enhance amenity values and meet the leisure requirements of workers in and visitors to business areas. Policy 1.4 To use cash contributions towards public open space and recreation areas received from subdivision and/ or development where appropriate to: • Purchase land for district parks and sports fields; • Purchase land for local neighbourhood parks in areas where there are existing or potential deficiencies in the provision of local parks; • Develop land purchased or acquired as reserve contributions to a useable state for local and district open space; and, 13 - 2