Chapter 3 - Heritage Policy 1.5 Ensure that regard is had for heritage and conservation with all subdivision, use and development in the Wairau/ Awatere area. The heritage resources of the Wairau/Awatere area are an important contributor to the character of the area. The policies work towards ensuring that they are retained and appreciated by present and future generations. 3.4 Methods of Implementation Schedule The Council will maintain a register of significant heritage resources in accordance with Section 7.3.4(b) of the Marlborough Regional Policy Statement and will include this as an appendix to this Plan (Volume Two, Appendix A). Resources registered will include those on the Historic Places Trust Register (established under Section 22 of the Historic Places Act 1993), heritage trees (as identified by the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture (Inc)), a number of items identified by previous planning schemes and any other item incorporated in the Plan in terms of the criteria specified below. These criteria enable the Council or interested parties (eg: local iwi, property owners) to identify places or objects with heritage value and have them registered through the plan process. Known archaeological sites (as supplied by the Department of Conservation and the New Zealand Archaeological Association Site Record files) are included on the Council’s register of heritage resources. However, they have not been included in the Appendix to this Plan for reasons of cultural sensitivity. Information on archaeological sites is available from the Council, the Department of Conservation, the New Zealand Archaeological Association and iwi. The register will include an indication of the importance of the item to the community in order for different levels of protection to be assigned. The schedule (refer Volume Two, Appendix A) includes these classifications. Items so registered will be subject to special controls and procedures as specified in the rules. They may also be eligible to receive the benefits provided by the incentives outlined below. Where items are to be added (or deleted as appropriate) to the Schedule in Appendix A of Volume Two, this shall be done through the plan change process, as provided for in the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991. Criteria for Identifying Specific Heritage Resources Criteria for selection of places or objects: (a) Whether the place or object has value as a local landmark, over a length of time; 3 - 3