Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Objective 2 To maintain, and where appropriate enhance, existing freshwater quality. Policy 2.1 To apply water classifications to all surface water and groundwater resources which reflect the existing values of each freshwater resource and provides for maintenance and enhancement of existing water quality as appropriate (as outlined in Appendix J, Volume Two). Policy 2.2 To require compliance with the water classification standards, after reasonable mixing, for all new point source discharges to surface water, except where a discharge meets the criteria of exceptional circumstances specified in Section 107 (2) of the Act. Policy 2.3 To renew existing discharge permits only where the discharge complies with the water classification standards, after reasonable mixing as defined by the mixing zone, or, where in the case of non- compliance the consent holder can demonstrate a reduction in the amount and concentration of contaminants and a commitment to a staged approach for achieving the water classification standard within a period of not longer than 15 years from the date the consent is granted. Policy 2.4 To encourage the discharge of contaminants to land rather than water where the land is suited to accommodating the discharge i.e. the areas of confined Wairau Aquifer (as shown on Map 216, Volume Three ). Policy 2.5 To investigate the relative effects of point and non-point source discharges on water quality, and to develop and impose additional controls which more equitably address the relative contributions of contaminants from these activities where required. Policy 2.6 To establish a surface water quality monitoring network which provides baseline information on existing water quality and enables compliance with the water classifications to be measured. Policy 2.7 To require permit holders, as a condition of a discharge permit, to monitor the effects of their discharge on water quality to determine compliance with the parameters specified for the water classification. Policy 2.8 Within 24 months of the Plan becoming operative the Council may call in existing discharge permits for those resources where water quality requires enhancement, to impose a condition requiring the monitoring of their discharge effects to determine compliance with the new water classification standard/ s. Use of the water classification system identified in Policy 2.1 is an effective way of managing water quality that enables the maintenance or enhancement of water quality as appropriate. The underlying classifications of Class F for surface water and Class DW for groundwater are consistent with the objectives proposed in the Marlborough Regional Policy Statement. Applying additional water classifications over and above the underlying classifications for particular resources or parts of a resource will enable specific management to protect local values. This is important because the underlying classifications of F and DW have standards that relate only to the protection of the fishery or drinking water aspects of the resource. Other values such as amenity, fish spawning or contact recreation can only be maintained or 6 - 4