Chapter 6 - Fresh Water Support further research into the in-stream requirements of fresh water resources. Monitoring Undertake enhanced surface water quality monitoring to determine the relative contributions of point and non-point source discharges, and to determine baseline water quality across the planning area. Use district wide surface flow and groundwater level monitoring information and climatic data to identify the points at which rationing is imminent and required. Use water meter readings to determine actual use requirements. These will be used together with the results of scientific studies of the water use requirements of specific crops or land-use systems, to allocate water more efficiently. Use water meter readings to determine the appropriateness of quota on water permits and to measure compliance during rationing periods. The Council will keep a register of bore, intake and dam locations to ensure new bores and intakes do not adversely affect existing users. Continue to monitor the flows and levels of fresh water bodies, paying particular attention to those which are nearing full allocation. Information will be gathered to determine the ongoing sustainability of existing SFRs and to set sustainable SFRs for other resources. Enforcement Undertake enforcement during the period when rationing is required, by monitoring use from meter readings and undertaking spot checks of users to ensure that local water restrictions are not being breached. Enforcement provisions in the Act will be used to deter offenders. Riparian The Council will prepare, in consultation with relevant parties, Management a Riparian Management Strategy to provide further guidance on Strategy the appropriate management of riparian margins so that their habitat, water quality, amenity and public access benefits are recognised and enhanced. Identification of The natural and human use values supported by surface water the values of bodies within the Plan area are identified in Appendix A of water bodies Volume One of the Plan. These values include ecological, habitat, recreational and natural character values. Regard can be had to these values when considering resource consent applications required as a result of rules in this Plan. As more is learnt about the values supported by water bodies in South Marlborough, it is possible to add to Appendix A by way of plan change. Rules are essential for ensuring that use of water is reduced and suspended during periods of low flows to prevent the SFR levels from being breached. Rules will also enable enforcement procedures provided under the Act to be utilised to avoid or mitigate behaviour or activities which could result in significant adverse environmental effects. 6 - 15