Chapter 4 - Flora and Fauna and their Habitats Policy 1.7 Promote environmental enhancement of particularly valued river environments, especially on Council owned land. Policy 1.8 Require all river works to be carried out in accordance with the 'Rivers Management Code of Practice' contained within the Council document 'Marlborough Rivers - Management and Ecology (1994)'. Policy 1.9 Protect Class A riparian margins from any adverse effects from undesirable animal and plant intrusions. (Refer to Appendix J - Volume Two) Policy 1.10 Aim for a reasonable proportion of the flows to be divided between the lower Wairau and Wairau Diversion. Policy 1.11 Develop operational plans for rivers where the flow is controlled (or partially controlled) by control structures operated by the Council. Policy 1.12 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of activities within river and lake beds to protect instream values, including fish passage and recreational values. Policy 1.13 To promote the use of water storage techniques to achieve the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Policy 1.14 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of stormwater discharges and drainage activity on aquatic and riparian habitats and water quality. Rivers, streams and waterways have many ecological values - as habitats, physical systems, recreational reserves and amenity values. Protection of the natural functioning of ecosystems is fundamental to the maintenance of these values. The policies recognise the importance of aquatic and riparian habitats and combine to form the basis of a policy strategy for the achievement of the objectives. The ecological environment of the lower Wairau and habitat for fauna is affected by the flow regime of the river. At least half the volume of water in normal circumstances should be kept in the river. 4.3.3 Methods of Implementation Rules Rules will provide for the protection of habitats and species. Ecological assessments will be required in conjunction with proposals to modify riparian and aquatic environments. Class A Riparian margins (refer to Appendix J, Volume Two) will be protected from stock intrusion by set back requiring buffer strips. Minimum flows and water quality standards will be set for important rivers. Implement land disturbance rules to mitigate run off, sedimentation, woody detritus, deposition and prevent damage to riparian areas. Information, New ways of collecting or sharing information will be investigated. 4 - 9