Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Policy 2.4 Recognise the benefits of the use of unformed public roads as a means to enhance access to public land. 8.4 Methods of Implementation Rules Riparian margins will be protected by controls on activities on rivers, lakes and streambanks. The Council may include conditions on resource consents that restrict the rights of public access in accordance with Policy 1.7. Subdivision The reserves policy establishes the circumstances under which esplanade reserves will be acquired. Guidelines The Council will prepare a set of guidelines on Riparian Management. Research The Council will carry out research to assess the need for enhancement of physical access to and along the coastal marine area, lakes and rivers. Council Activities The Council will develop management plans for Council owned or managed floodway land that incorporate access aspects in balance with commercial use and safety aspects. Voluntary On the basis of proven need the Council may negotiate for Agreement access strips to enhance public access to and along the coast area and the margins of wetlands, lakes and rivers. Information The Council will make available information on the location and area of esplanade reserves, esplanade strips and access strips taken on subdivision and development. Riparian The Council will prepare, in consultation with relevant parties, Management a Riparian Management Strategy to provide further guidance on Strategy the appropriate management of riparian margins so that their habitat, water quality, amenity and public access benefits are recognised and enhanced. Identification of The natural and human use values supported by surface water the values of bodies within the Plan area are identified in Appendix A of water bodies Volume One of the Plan. These values include ecological, habitat, recreational and natural character values. Regard can be had to these values when considering resource consent applications required as a result of rules in this Plan. As more is learnt about the values supported by water bodies in South Marlborough, it is possible to add to Appendix A by way of plan change. Rules and conditions are considered appropriate to use in the management of public access. The acquisition of esplanade reserves and negotiation of esplanade strips upon subdivision or development of land will enhance public access to the coast, lakes, rivers and wetlands. 8 - 4