Appendix A Appendix A Values Associated with Fresh Water Resources The water resources within the plan area have both tangible and intangible values associated with them in terms of in-stream requirements, ecological, cultural and recreational uses. The following table summarises these resources and the values associated with them, identifies the water quality classification of each water body and major threats to those water bodies, and indicates the desired outcome for each water body of either maintaining or enhancing values. The resources have been value ranked based on their instream attributes and values (on the basis of information gathered from a wide range of water users) and the vulnerability of the resource to adverse environmental effects. Water quality classifications are identified to clearly indicate environmental bottom lines to ensure maintenance of surface water flows which safeguard the life supporting capacity of the resource, the integrity of habitats, and recreational and amenity values. The classification system is important because it provides the basis for using different levels of control via the rules to enable protection of the water resources. Resources of very high value will have very stringent controls placed on them to ensure that use does not compromise the very high value of the resource. Water resources of lower value will not have additional controls placed on them regarding use. Definitions Column 5 - Water Quality Classifications F - managed for fishing purposes (primary objective being safe consumption of fish). FS - managed for fish spawning. NS - managed in its natural state (catchments within Conservation Estate). AE - managed for aquatic ecosystem purposes. CR - managed for contact recreation purposes. A - managed for aesthetic purposes. DW - managed at drinking water quality. WS - managed for water supply purposes. SG - managed for shellfish gathering. Column 6 - Desired Outcome M - (Maintain) means that the existing water quality is believed to match the classification and that therefore the present water quality only needs to be maintained. App A - 1