Chapter 5 - Landscape Sensitivity The aesthetic qualities of this landscape are of lesser significance although many will find the simplicity and wild qualities of the area to be very beautiful. The ability of this landscape to absorb change is very low. Landscape sensitivity is very high. The area immediately inland is administered by the Department of Conservation. (d) The High Rugged Mountains of the Inland Kaikoura Range North east of Molesworth and south of the Awatere Valley there is a small area of the north western slopes of the Inland Kaikouras within the district. The district boundary follows the ridgeline and includes the northern face of Tapuae- o-Uenuku - the highest point at 2885 m above sea level. This dramatic rugged mountain country is a very significant natural feature when seen towering above the hills and valleys forming the district to the north. This is particularly significant when Tapuae-o-Uenuku is snow-covered, contrasting strongly with the dull browns and greens of the lower country. The range is very exposed. It is of recent geological formation and is exposed to extreme climatic conditions and as such is of biological and geological interest. Tapuae-o-Uenuku in particular is of very special significance to the Tangata Whenua and is an icon for many climbers and trampers. Visual absorption capability is barely an issue because of the distance from which the mountains are generally seen. The mountains’ exposure and restricted access suggest that future pressures are likely to be few. Significant District Features At a more local level the following natural features and landscapes are considered to be outstanding: Red Hills Ridge - Geologically unusual mountain range - bleak, barren, stark and exposed. Onamalutu Scenic Reserve - Remnant bush. Major concern is the protection of natural processes and natural character. Para Swamp - Impressive swamp. Of major concern is the protection of natural processes and natural character and the need to avoid invasion by exotic species. Wairau River - Although partly modified the river remains a significantly important multi-recreational landscape. Spring Creek - Although modified the river remains a picturesque and tranquil feature. The Coast from Cape Campbell south to the Waima (Ure) River - a predominantly indigenous landscape, the least modified coastal environment on the East Marlborough Coast. The coastal landscape is highly expressive of its geological formation. The diversity in coastal conditions results in a rich marine life and a very interesting and attractive stretch of coast. Cape Campbell, Chancet Rocks, Ward Beach and Needles Point are all special places on this coast. The broken topography suggests that the areas absorption capability may be moderately high in places. This will not be the case with the headlands. 5 - 5