Chapter 12 - Rural Environments 12.6.2 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To accommodate the sustainable development of the Rainbow Ski Area in a way that recognises the sensitive alpine environment in which it is located. Policy 1.1 Protect the predominantly natural alpine character of the skifield area. Policy 1.2 Avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects of skifield activities on any areas of indigenous vegetation or any habitats of indigenous fauna. Policy 1.3 Ensure that any structures, buildings or earthwork activities do not significantly impact on landscape or visual values. Policy 1.4 Ensure that land disturbance activities, in particular excavation and filling, are carried out in a manner which avoids, remedies or mitigates any adverse effects. Policy 1.5 Avoid, remedy, or mitigate the adverse effects of solid, effluent and stormwater waste within the skifield area. Policy 1.6 Safeguard the natural functioning of freshwater ecosystems, including tarns, from the effects of skifield management, including snowmaking. Policy 1.7 Ensure that the discharge of water and ice nucleating additives for snowmaking purposes avoids, remedies or mitigates any adverse effects when eventually discharged to waterbodies. Policy 1.8 Ensure that any discharge to watercourses from upgraded toilet facilities, avoids, remedies or mitigates any adverse effects. The objective and policies aim to ensure that the skifield continues to develop in a manner which is appropriate within the environment in which it is located. Any adverse effects generated by the skifield operation must be avoided, remedied or mitigated. 12.6.3 Methods of Implementation Zoning The Skifield Zone is identified on the planning maps, incorporating both the area used for skifield activity and the access road to the field. Rules Rules permit skifield activity including the construction of skifield facilities and transportation systems subject to performance conditions. Rules require resource consents for effluent and stormwater disposal in order to ensure that any adverse effects on the sensitive mountain environment of such discharges are avoided, remedied or mitigated. 12 - 21