Chapter 20 - Utilities Policy 1.13 Co-locate services, structures and ancillary equipment where practicable. As settlements such as Blenheim and Renwick continue to expand there is a continued demand for utilities. The Plan encourages the provision of co-located networks in order to avoid cumulative effects of piecemeal service provision. To enable the sustainable management of utility networks as a resource, operators of those networks require consideration of the demands for and provision of services at the earliest possible time. These policies seek to ensure early consideration and provision of utilities and thereby avoid cumulative effects of provision of similar services by individual communities. The establishment of utility networks can have adverse effects on resources and amenities, and defined areas of special interest. Policies seek to ensure that the construction and maintenance of utility networks will not have adverse effects on identified areas prone to natural hazards, or areas with ecological or landscape value. 20.4 Methods of Implementation Rules Rules provide for utility networks as Permitted Activities, subject to standards and terms where there are minor adverse environmental effects. The placement of equipment underground and in or alongside road carriageways reduces likely disruption from natural hazards and long-term visual effects, and minimises land disturbance. Plan rules require special consideration for the location and construction of utilities in areas of identified special interest including natural hazard prone, ecological and landscape value. Other Statutory The Annual Plan provides a vehicle for setting priorities for Documents provision of Council operated utility networks. Information/ Most Utility Operators conduct their operations according to Codes of industry-based codes of practice. Landscape and screening Practice guidelines are often included in these codes. The Marlborough Code of Practice for Subdivision and Development establishes a means of complying with the Plan’s requirements. Designation This Plan recognises and provides for designations Process established by Utility Operators. Liaison The Council will liaise with Utility Operators to ensure continued provision of utility network services throughout the area. Monitoring Council monitoring of compliance with Resource Consent conditions and the results of State of Environment Monitoring will provide feedback on the adverse effects of utilities. Provisions built into industry-based codes of practices for Utility Operators specify monitoring requirements. The incidents of public health issues relating to utility networks will indicate the effectiveness of utility management. 20 - 3