Chapter 1 - Introduction Using a variety of monitoring procedures, the anticipated environmental results suggest the monitoring strategy will need to include assessment of the Monitoring Factors defined in Table 1.1: Monitoring Factors. Table 1.1: Monitoring Factors Resource Issue Anticipated Environmental Monitoring Factor Result water - wetlands, protection water quality lakes and rivers contaminants flow level provision for use options abstraction consents provision for food gathering discharges use provision for recreation water quality complaints ecological value maintained or habitat changes defined enhanced values clarity maintained or enhanced turbidity complaints valued species water - groundwater maintenance of aquifer water quality groundwater level indigenous preservation of rare and endangered species numbers distribution vegetation, habitats species of indigenous fauna diversity of habitats landscape maintenance of values consents complaints tangata whenua recognition of and where use appropriate, provision for traditional access relationship complaints heritage protection of heritage resources consents scheduled resources air maintenance of high quality suspended solids carbon monoxide odour lead visibility complaints public access maintenance of access consents complaints coastal marine provision for public use where users appropriate uses protection of recreation values pathogens public use of facilities minimal effect from private consents occupation location multiple use of structures consents location marine farms which minimise effects consents on public use of coast location high standard of water quality pathogens contaminants water quality discharge permits complaints minimise alteration site profile 1 - 11