Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan adverse effects. These effects can be considerable and if not managed properly, can adversely impact on the immediate and surrounding environment. The Act 1991 requires that the adverse effects of industrial activity are avoided, remedied or mitigated. The effects of industrial activity can include visual impact, noise, vibration, dust, odour, glare, traffic generation (in particular, heavy vehicle movements), discharges of waste to air, land and water and the use and storage of hazardous substances. In zoning areas for industrial activities it is important that other non-industrial activities do not locate within the areas set aside for industry. Other activities such as residential or retail activity, demand a different type of environment, generally one of a higher standard. This would then threaten the particular environmental standard which has been selected for the industrial zones. 11.4.1 Issue The adverse effects of industrial activity. Industrial areas within the Plan area vary in their nature. Light industrial/ service areas can be found along Grove Road through to Main Street (State Highway One). Heavier industry, many involving the processing of primary produce such as timber and meat can be found at Burleigh, and Riverlands. Industrial activity has the potential to create serious environmental effects and can significantly impact on other activities which may be nearby. The Act requires that the effects of activities must be avoided, remedied or mitigated. By adopting a zoning approach the effects of industrial activity can be contained. Industrial activity is zoned for and permitted within industrial zones and consequently not provided for in other zones. In turn, this provides for an environment where in most places adverse effects of industrial activity are fully avoided. Within the industrial areas or zones, adverse effects arising from activity are likely to occur. Here, the intention is for them to be mitigated. Therefore, the issue of managing the adverse effects of industrial activity can be resolved by containing and confining industry and its effects to industrial zones. 11.4.2 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 Containing the effects of industrial activity within the boundaries of industrial zones. Policy 1.1 Avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects of industrial activity beyond the bounds of Industrial Zones. Policy 1.2 Avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects within industrial areas. Policy 1.3 Encourage heavy industry to locate within the Industrial 2 Zones. Policy 1.4 Enable light industry and service activities, along with general industrial activity, within the Industrial 1 Zones. Policy 1.5 Restrict activities from locating in Industrial Zones which demand a higher or different environmental standard to industrial activities. 11 - 24