Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 12.3.4 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To recognise and protect the ecological values of the sensitive upland environment. Policy 1.1 To recognise and protect significant ecological and landscape values. Policy 1.3 To discourage activities which involve extensive land disturbance. Policy 1.4 To recognise the ecologically sensitive environment of the uplands which if disturbed (by activities such as land disturbance, fire, forestry, and inappropriate over grazing) can lead to soil erosion and habitat loss. Policy 1.5 To encourage and facilitate the establishment of multi-agency Landcare Groups comprised as follows: • Landholders - one representative per Station/ Run; • Marlborough District Council - one representative; • Department of Conservation - one representative; • Commission of Crown Land - one representative; • Others - specialist input as required; and • Iwi - one representative. Policy 1.6 Manage pests according to a regional pest management strategy. 12.3.5 Methods of Implementation Rules Most land disturbance activities in the Wairau/ Awatere uplands will require a resource consent which will enable close assessment of the potential effects. Advocacy The Council will support the voluntary retirement of pastoral leases where this will promote sustainable vegetation cover. Monitoring The Council will monitor trends in pest population and vegetation cover in the rural upland environment. Self Regulation Recognise, support and promote initiatives such as self regulation by resource users themselves, where those users have a track record of compliance with performance standards in the Plan. Investigate self regulation through approved environmental management systems, which may benefit resource users and the Council through reduced consent administration, within one year of this Plan becoming operative. Education Assist resource users to understand and implement the results of research into the effects of land use patterns and land management practices. 12 - 12