Chapter 24 - Mineral Extraction Control of where and when gravel extraction takes place from riverbeds is therefore a significant issue. 24.5 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To manage gravel and sand extraction to improve the efficient and effective performance of river channels and floodway systems, especially the stopbanked floodways of the main Wairau floodplain. Policy 1.1 To encourage gravel extraction from the Wairau River floodway system downstream of Jeffries Road and in the vicinity of Tuamarina Bridge in particular. Policy 1.2 To discourage gravel extraction from reaches of the rivers where it is detrimental to bank stability and flooding or would contribute to other environmental detriment. Policy 1.3 To allow for commercial gravel extraction from other river reaches. Objective 2 To ensure gravel and sediment extraction is carried out in a manner that avoids, remedies or mitigates environmental effects. Policy 2.1 In assessing the effects of gravel extraction from any particular location to give regard to the effects on water quality, natural character of the riverbed, indigenous vegetation and fauna, public access, Maori values, amenity values, ecological factors, habitat of trout and salmon, bank stability and groundwater recharge. On the main Wairau floodplain the Wairau River is aggrading downstream of Jeffries Road to such an extent as to be reducing its stopbanked floodway capacity to less than the required design size. This includes the Lower Wairau and parts of the Wairau Diversion. A practical option to address the problem is to encourage gravel extraction from this reach. Most other stopbanked river floodways on the main Wairau floodplain are not aggrading and gravel extraction should be discouraged. This includes the Wairau River from Jeffries Road up to the Waihopai confluence, from the Waihopai up to SH 63, from the Omaka up to Hawkesbury Road Bridge, and the Taylor below Taylor dam. It is preferable to supply the commercial demand for gravel in the Wairau floodplain area from the Wairau downstream of Jeffries Road to benefit the Wairau River and floodway system than to increase potential river channel degradation by permitting continuing extraction from the Omaka, Taylor and Wairau above Jeffries Road. Gravel extraction has the potential to seriously disrupt the riverbed environment and many of the aspects listed in the Resource Management Act as requiring specific attention. This varies on a river by river and a site by site basis. Attention must be given to ensure that environmental factors of the river bed are not adversely affected. 24 - 3