29 May 2014 Chapter 12 - Rural Environments 12.2.3 Methods of Implementation Zoning Represent the Wairau Plain as a Rural 3 Zone. Rules Plan rules provide for activities on the basis of their effects on the sustainable management of the lower Wairau Plain as an area for intensive rural development. In general rural activities are provided for as Permitted Activities subject to performance conditions. Rural activities with the potential to cause significant adverse effects such as dairy farming, factory farming and intensive livestock farming are provided for as Discretionary Activities. A number of other activities are also provided for as Discretionary Activities. Land disturbance rules will control non-point sedimentation laden runoff from rural land use activities, and will avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of land use activities on riparian margins. Plan rules provide a water allocation mechanism. Plan rules control discharges and set performance standards on discharges to protect water quality. Plan rules will control subdivision to protect the rural environment. Rules will be used to ensure that maintaining hydraulic efficiency is a priority function for drains and water courses less than 3 metres in width in the lower Wairau Plain. Council Maintain and improve a network of natural watercourses and Activities constructed drains as detailed in a suitable comprehensive engineering plan. Operate pump discharges from the drainage network into the major rivers as detailed in a suitable operational plan within a range of specified water levels, and specified discharges. Operate control gates within the drainage network as per a suitable operational plan. Encourage riparian management and wise land use management practice through education e.g. Rivers Environmental Handbook, Land Disturbance Best Practices. Performance Conditions are included for Permitted Activities to protect rural Conditions amenity values and environmental quality. These address matters such as noise, agricultural spraying, building bulk and location and land disturbance. Research Conduct, and where appropriate, encourage research into land use and land management practices that sustain the versatile soil resource of the Wairau Plain. Identify trends in the State of the Environment monitoring report which need to be addressed through changed land management practices. Monitoring Monitor the effects of land use activities on ground and surface water. Undertake a surveillance programme to ensure culverts and floodgates operate in a safe and effective manner. 12 - 9