Chapter 22 - Noise amenity expectations where there are justifiable and reasonable effects as a result of primary production activities in the rural environment. Rural activities cannot operate in such a manner that the amenity values of rural areas are reduced. Consequently, rural activities will be required to avoid emission of unreasonable noise and mitigate the effects of noise adjacent to other areas. New Zealand NZS 6082:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound provides a reasonable basis for assessment of most environmental noise. 22.4 Methods of Implementation Rules Set noise performance standards for different areas to reflect the existing amenity values. Guidelines Development of guidelines for the operation of inherently noisy rural equipment and machinery (e.g. wind machines, birdscarers). These will address: • Location of activity; • Operation of equipment and machinery; • Operating techniques and hours of operation; • Noise levels relative to notional boundaries; • Design and form of any structures; and • Means to mitigate emission of excessive noise. The Council will provide information on appropriate land use practices and encourage use of voluntary guidelines and best practices. Enforcement The Council will use the noise abatement provisions of the Act where emission of noise is excessive or unreasonable. Monitoring Monitoring of noise to establish annual and seasonal profiles and to ensure compliance with rules and consent conditions. Research Support research into looking at options other than the use of audible bird-scaring devices for controlling bird damage to crops. Consultation The Council will continue to consult with landowners and industry groups regarding the use of audible bird-scaring devices. Rules define noise performance standards considered excessive or unreasonable relative to the amenity values in residential, commercial, industrial and rural areas. Where emission of noise exceeds these standards the Council will enforce the standards to protect the amenity values. Guidelines allow the Council to provide advice to resource users on ways to avoid or mitigate the emission of excessive or unreasonable noise. Specific guidelines relating to the operation of wind machines and birdscarers will be produced. 22 - 3