Chapter 18 - Hazardous Substances and Facilities Information Compile a database of contaminated sites and prioritise them in terms of degree of contamination and associated risk to the environment and community health. Risk assessment procedures for identified contaminated sites will be carried out in conjunction with owners and occupiers and other interested parties. Monitoring The Council will monitor seriously contaminated sites and determine the need for any special rehabilitation and site control measures. The establishment of a database listing and ranking contaminated sites is a prerequisite to the management of those sites. Contaminated sites must be managed and cleaned up in a manner that prevents adverse effects on the environment and community health. Monitoring seriously contaminated sites is a priority for assessing the adverse effects of those sites. Public consideration and assessment of changes in the use of contaminated sites are necessary to ensure adequate clean up procedures are undertaken. This will ensure that adverse effects of contaminated sites are avoided or mitigated prior to redevelopment. 18.9 Anticipated Environmental Results Implementation of the policies and methods relating to hazardous substances will result in: • The avoidance or minimisation of adverse environmental and human health effects and risks associated with the use, storage or transport of hazardous substances; • A greater public and user understanding of the need for, and risks associated with, hazardous substances and facilities, including the need for safe and effective management practices; • A reduction in the quantities of waste generated through the adoption of cleaner production methods; and • Increased knowledge of, and control over, actual and potential contaminated sites, including requirements for ongoing monitoring and active cleanup of seriously contaminated land. 18 - 7