Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan The Marlborough Regional Policy Statement has as its coastal water quality Objective: “That water quality in the coastal marine area be maintained at a level which provides for the sustainable management of the marine ecosystem”. More particularly with regard to the above, Policy 5.3.7a states: “Improve coastal water quality where present “point source” discharges from land limits the safe consumption of plants and fish from the water.” This policy is particularly relevant to the Wairau Lagoons. 9.3 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 Management of the effects of activities so that water quality in the coastal marine area, is maintained or enhanced to a quality, which enables the gathering or cultivating of shellfish for human consumption. Policy 1.1 Avoid the introduction of new point source discharges that adversely affect the environment of the coastal marine area. Policy 1.2 No existing or proposed discharge, after reasonable mixing, (either by itself or in combination with other discharges) should prevent the safe consumption of seafood from the coastal marine area. Policy 1.3 Avoid contamination of shorelines and marine farms by preventing the discharge of untreated sewage from vessels within 500 metres of the shoreline (MLWS) or 500 metres of a marine farm. Policy 1.4 Prevent the discharge of non-biodegradable waste anywhere in the coastal marine area (including waste from port activities, vessels, and marine farms). Policy 1.5 Ensure there is adequate and convenient provision of facilities for the collection and appropriate disposal of litter, sewage and residues from vessel maintenance. Policy 1.6 The adverse effects on coastal water from sediment or other contaminant discharges will be managed through controls on upstream and land-based activities. Policy 1.7 Encourage a buffer zone between the coastal marine area and land use activities. Policy 1.8 Avoid, as far as practicable, then remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of discharges in the coastal marine area. Policy 1.9 Avoid the discharge of untreated wastewater to the coastal marine area unless it better meets the purpose of the Act than disposal to land and there has been consultation with tangata whenua and the community. The Marlborough Regional Policy Statement identifies Shellfish Gathering as set out in the Third Schedule to the Act as the water quality standard which is generally sought for Marlborough coastal marine waters. Objective 1 carries this over as the general aim for coastal water quality under this Plan. In doing this it is important to acknowledge that present water quality in a number of areas is degraded to a state where this is not achievable in the immediate future. 9 - 4