Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan There is also the opportunity to provide access strips to provide direct access to rivers, streams or the coastline. The Council will impose any necessary conditions to enhance access provisions where appropriate. In limited circumstances, the need to prevent disturbance of natural values may be such as to make access provisions inappropriate. This may also be the case where the pattern of existing building inhibits subdivision potential and the provision of effective linkages. 23.4 Issue Relate subdivision control to the consequent sustainable management of natural and physical resources. The size and shape of allotments created in subdivision is fundamentally linked to the scale, size and type of buildings that can be erected, and the space around those buildings. These matters combine to have a considerable impact on the amenity values of particular parts of the urban area, such as amenity in suburban living environments. The size and shape of allotments created also provide a means to manage and limit potential amenity conflict where urban residential development is located next to rural land (i.e., on the ‘urban periphery’). Similarly the pattern of subdivision can have a significant impact on the provision and cost of infrastructure, particularly roading, and other services such as sewerage and water supply. Inappropriate forms of subdivision development can have adverse impacts on the environment, and can also add significantly to the costs of providing services. 23.4.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 That allotment design size and dimensions created through the subdivision process be determined with regard to the likely activities to be carried out on those allotments, and their effects on amenity values and other resources. Policy 1.1 Provide for the creation of allotments which protect the natural environment including remnant indigenous vegetation, riparian lands, coastal margins, wetlands, headlands, heritage features, ridges and archaeological and cultural heritage sites. Policy 1.2 Ensure that the subdivision of land avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on the natural character of wetlands, lakes, rivers and their margins. Policy 1.3 Avoid sprawling or sporadic subdivision in the coastal environment, in order to preserve natural character. Policy 1.4 Enable opportunities to create special purpose allotments that protect the natural environment, in tandem with widening and diversifying land use activities. Policy 1.5 Ensure that rural character and amenities are protected and enhanced. Policy 1.6 Recognise the potential for amenity conflict between the rural environment and the activities on the urban periphery. 23 - 4