Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan 1.9 Structure of Volume One Sections 67 and 75 of the Act set out the matters to be addressed in Regional and District Plans. The matters dealt with in the greater part of Volume One of the Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan are shown diagrammatically in Figure 1.2. This Chapter (Introduction) also contains sections on information requirements for resource consent applications, cross boundary issues and monitoring. 1.9.1 Section 5 RMA Framework for Objectives and Policies Volume One contains objectives and policies to address issues. These must all be read and interpreted in the context of promoting the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. Sustainable management is defined in the Act as managing the use, development and protection of natural and physical resources in a way, or at a rate, which enables people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing and for their health and safety while sustaining the potential of natural and physical resources (excluding minerals) to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations; and, safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of air, water, soil, and ecosystems; and, avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment. 1 - 6