5 March 2015 Chapter 19 - Land Transport incorporate provision for the connection of future stages of development to existing roads consistent with the roading hierarchy. Policy 1.3 Unless a paper road is capable of meeting current road standards connection to the existing road network will not be permitted. Policy 1.4 Require that all new or extended roads are appropriate and necessary to provide safe and convenient access; and will avoid future inappropriate subdivision and development in the coastal environment. Policy 1.5 Maintain amenity values by encouraging the use of national and arterial roads by high volumes of traffic and heavy vehicles; and discourage high volume and heavy traffic use of collector and distributor roads which serve rural areas, or pass through residential areas. Policy 1.6 Require all service providers using overhead reticulation within the road reserves of State Highways to co-ordinate and execute undergrounding of all reticulation associated with these services, and the subsequent removal of all redundant poles, in order to enhance the main entrance routes into and through Blenheim. Policy 1.7 Require all new roads, and upgrading of existing roads, to be designed and constructed to standards to mitigate adverse environmental effects and enable safety and efficiency of vehicle movement including: • Urban: roads, access ways, and private ways to be sealed to an all-weather hard surface standard, and have overhead lighting, where appropriate; • Rural: roads, access ways, and private ways to be finished with an all-weather sealed or metalled surface appropriate to the expected volume of vehicle traffic; • Public roads to have sufficient width to provide, where appropriate vehicle carriageways capable of carrying two lanes of moving traffic (except for very short local roads where traffic volumes are insufficient to warrant two lanes) and except for low-speed residential lanes); • Public facilities including pedestrian footpaths (on one or both sides of the road except for low-speed residential lanes) as appropriate in urban situations; • Above-ground and sub-surface public reticulated services; • Street lighting, drainage; • Landscaping, road-side vehicle parking; • Safety barriers and fences; • Roads to have vertical alignment such that inclines can be negotiated during all weather conditions and sight distances are adequate for road safety; • Intersections to ensure adequate sight distances, and lighting where appropriate, having regard to expected traffic volumes, speeds on approach roads, and other local features likely to influence safety at the intersection; 19 - 3