5 March 2015 Chapter 23 - Subdivision and Development 23.6 Issue A shortage of sustainably managed, greenfield, residentially zoned land in Blenheim can inhibit growth and reduce the choice of housing. Blenheim is Marlborough’s centre and the social and economic needs of the people of Marlborough require that in Blenheim there must always be sufficient land available for new housing. Planning for new housing needs to be long term and the growth areas chosen must be suitable for their purpose and must be able to be serviced within the economic capacity of the ongoing community. At the same time development in those areas should have regard to potential adverse effects including reverse sensitivity, geotechnical, and environmental matters and provide for rational and integrated roading and open space layouts. 23.6.1 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 To enable high quality residential development in greenfield areas (Areas 1-5) in a sustainable manner in order to provide for the future growth of Blenheim. General Policies Applicable to Areas 1-5 Policy 1.1 Farming activities are permitted to continue until residential development of the land occurs. Policy 1.2 Subdivision yield should aim at a yield of between 10 and 12 dwellings per hectare. A greater yield will be encouraged where it is demonstrably shown that this produces appropriate urban design outcomes. Allotment sizes greater than 800m are 2 discouraged other than at the boundary between the greenfields area and any non-residential zone and only to the extent reasonably necessary to manage reverse sensitivity effects having regard to the range of methods available to manage those effects. Policy 1.3 Subdivision design shall have regard to reverse sensitivity effects in respect of existing lawfully established rural and non-residential activities. Policy 1.4 Subsoil conditions of sites shall be investigated to establish if appropriate foundation designs of buildings are required to mitigate the effects of liquefaction or lateral spread. Policy 1.5 Where indicative roading layouts are shown on the planning maps the roading network proposed at the time of subdivision and development shall be in general accordance with the layout. Policy 1.6 Following consultation with Council, reserve areas, open spaces and community facilities shall be identified on subdivision plans. Policy 1.7 Prior to development proceeding reticulated services owned by, or to be vested in, the Council shall be available for connection and utilised and/ or financial provision made for them. 23 - 15