Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan environment also include the global cumulative effect of vehicle emissions on components of the atmosphere and ozone depletion. There is considerable investment in the land infrastructure of the Wairau/ Awatere. The infrastructure includes roads, railway lines and facilities, pedestrian pathways and facilities, street lighting, vehicle parking facilities, and directional and safety signage. To be effective, the land transportation network will need to be monitored, upgraded and redeveloped from time to time. It is important that extensions are compatible with the existing infrastructure and have consistent design, construction and maintenance standards. Extensions to the roading network that unnecessarily duplicate existing roads or which create intersections with difficult safety conditions will not be compatible with the sustainable management of the transport infrastructure. Provision for vehicle parking is important to the sustainable management of the transport infrastructure. It is important to achieve a balance between parking clear of moving vehicles and the shared use of roads by moving and parked vehicles. In general, it is expected that on-site parking will accommodate the likely demand for parking resulting from activities on the site. Public transportation serving the urban areas is not a feature of the transportation network which is comprised mainly of private motor vehicles and taxis. The transport of primary products can place strain on the capacity of the local roading network and create conflicts with other users of the often narrow, metalled roads. Expansion in primary and other industries gives rise to particular needs of access, loading and storage areas close to the transport network. Changes in long-haul freight transport patterns and vehicles have also given rise to demands for new facilities in the transport infrastructure such as overnight parking areas for heavy goods vehicles, and stock effluent disposal facilities. Roads, as public spaces, are used for a variety of purposes. The Plan recognises and provides for a variety of community uses of roads. It is important that the transport infrastructure is able to adapt. New types of vehicles and changing social patterns may give rise to new transport facilities. The growth of cycling for recreation and transport means that there is an increasing need to provide cycle lanes on existing and new roads. The Plan should ensure that such change within the transport infrastructure is able to be accommodated provided that adverse effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated. 19.3 Objectives and Policies Objective 1 Development, maintenance and use of land transport infra- structure in a way that avoids, remedies or mitigates adverse effects on the Wairau/Awatere environment, and on the health and safety, and wellbeing of the community. Policy 1.1 Avoid, remedy, or mitigate adverse effects from the land transport infrastructure on the amenity values and natural and physical resources of the Wairau/ Awatere. Policy 1.2 Ensure all new roads and extensions to existing roads are consistent with the District roading hierarchy in the Regional Land Transport Strategy, and that all subdivisions and developments of land 19 - 2