Wairau/ Awatere Resource Management Plan Rules Landscape values underpin the construction of rules, in particular subdivision rules, and the zoning pattern adopted for the Plan. Assessment Landscape impact has been included as a matter for Criteria assessment on a number of Discretionary Activities where visual or landscape effects are likely. Such assessments will be required to take into account the values identified and shown on the planning maps. Guidelines The Council will develop landscape guidelines in consultation with major land user groups in accordance with policies outlined in this chapter. Such guidelines will provide subdividers, land users and building applicants with information on suitable siting, design and appearance of buildings and structures. Education The Council will provide landowners in areas identified as being of outstanding landscape importance with information on the values attributed to their land. Voluntary Action The Council will encourage the use of voluntary conservation covenants or other agreements as a means of protecting an area of landscape value. Subdivision The Council will impose conditions of consent for subdivision, where appropriate, requiring landscape covenants be registered on the land title or the vesting of certain land as reserve in order to protect landscape values. Land Acquisition The Council may consider acquiring a site with outstanding landscape values where land purchase is the only means available for protection of the values. The methods provide a general framework for the protection of outstanding natural features and landscapes from inappropriate subdivision, use and development. It is important to note that it is not outright protection which is sought by the objective, policies and methods above, but rather protection from inappropriate subdivision, use or development. There are numerous means available to moderate landscape impact. For example, a structure on land, such as a residential dwelling or a transmission mast can have a lesser visual effect if it is appropriately located on the site, the shape and size is moderate and reflects the surrounds, and the external finish is non-reflective and incorporates neutral colours. 5.7 Anticipated Environmental Results Implementation of the policies and methods relating to landscape will result in: • Maintenance of the outstanding landscapes and natural features of the District; • A reduction in the conflict between developments and the landscape; • Development located in a manner, style and character which is sympathetic and complementary to the landscape; 5 - 10