Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 31 March 2010 surrounding area. For example, neighbourhood business areas generate more vehicle movements than those created by the surrounding residential activity. Neighbourhood business centres are valued as resources by the community in that they provide for the general day to day needs of local residents. The centres which feature this zoning have and will continue to develop in a unique manner. These centres respond to the local community demands for shops and services. Centres such as Springlands, with good exposure to passing motorists, serve a much wider catchment. Neighbourhood business centres need to be managed so as to minimise adverse effects, particularly on surrounding residential areas. Objectives and Policies Objective 1 The retention and maintenance of neighbourhood business centres which respond to community needs and which have a minimum impact on surrounding areas. Policy 1.1 Enable low impact commercial and community activities to locate within the Neighbourhood Business Zone. Policy 1.2 Contain the adverse effects of neighbourhood business activity within the boundaries of the Zone. Policy 1.3 Avoid activities which generate significant increases in vehicle movements or the number of heavy vehicles on residential streets. Policy 1.4 Ensure that any car parking requirements generated by an activity are catered for within the Zone and preferably on site. Policy 1.5 Avoid activities which give rise to levels of odour, dust, glare or noise incompatible with the character and expected amenities of the Neighbourhood Business Zone. Policy 1.6 Avoid activities which give rise to levels of odour, dust, glare or noise in neighbouring zones inconsistent with the reasonably expected amenities of such a zone. Policy 1.7 Avoid or mitigate any adverse effects from use, storage or transport of hazardous substances, particularly any risk to people. Policy 1.8 Maintain the visual character and amenity of Neighbourhood Business Zones and that of neighbouring areas. Policy 1.9 Ensure that any changes to the commercial activity within the Springlands Neighbourhood Business Centre continue to position it as a satellite resource, subsidiary and complimentary, to the Central Business Zone. Policy 1.10 Expansion of the commercial activities at the Springlands Neighbourhood Business Centre will be subject to an assessment of potential adverse effects on the Central Business Zone. The policies aim to preserve amenity both within and outside the Neighbourhood Business Zones. In particular, they target the adverse effects of commercial type activities which are potentially incompatible with a predominantly residential environment. 11 - 22