Wairau/Awatere Resource Management Plan 28 May 2015 new roads long distances beyond central community services can give rise to unnecessarily lengthy journeys by vehicle to and from those services. The orientation of buildings on individual sites so as to receive maximum sun is an accepted rule of thumb in the New Zealand building industry. Building location, in the first instance, will strongly influence the success of design features intended to maximise solar energy use (for example solar water heating and window placement for passive solar space heating). It is therefore important that the design of subdivisions enables the future siting of buildings to maximise orientation to the sun. 11.2.3 Methods of Implementation Zoning Two Urban Residential Zones have been applied to Blenheim. The inner residential areas have been zoned Urban Residential 1 in recognition of the policy seeking to promote higher density residential development here. The remaining residential areas within Blenheim have been zoned Urban Residential 2. (Refer to Map 155, Volume Three.) The provisions that qualify Urban Residential 2 Zone activities include recognition of the existing low density urban/ rural transitional amenities at the south east urban periphery of Blenheim, (an area previously zoned “Residential 1 Special Zone” under the Transitional District Plan). Residential areas outside of Blenheim are zoned Township Residential. This zone allows for the special demands of small town or settlement residential areas. For example, the requirements created by the need for on-site sewage disposal. The Township Residential Zone has been applied to the residential areas at Renwick, Seddon, Ward, Spring Creek, Grovetown, Tuamarina, Rarangi and Wairau Valley. Expansion to Ward and Seddon which may result if the Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal proceeds will be examined by way of a resource study which would be implemented through the plan change process. An additional Deferred Township Residential Zone has been applied to Rarangi in recognition that limited further residential development will be considered applicable once a permanent potable water supply has been installed. Residential development will largely be confined to the identified residential zones in the established settlements. This will ensure a compact urban form, addressing energy efficiency. Marlborough At Marlborough Ridge in the Residential Township Zone, subdivision Ridge Residential is a non complying activity given that subdivision of vacant land has Township been completed and further subdivision of existing lots is not contemplated in order to maintain existing amenities and because there is insufficient water supply and sewage disposal capacity. 11 - 12